Antique French sofa
Antique French pair of chairs
Antique French pair of scroll back chairs
Antique French pair of chairs
Antique French pair of slipper chairs, for upholstery
Antique French Napoleon III buttoned chair
Antique French tub chair
Antique French Napoleon wing chair, for upholstery
Antique English wing chair
Antique French sofa
French sofa
Antique French Napoleon III chaise
Antique French Napoleon III buttoned chaise
Antique French stool
Antique French Napoleon III stool for upholstery
18th Century pair of Italian chairs
Antique Swedish daybed
Exceptional Italian sofa
Exceptional pair of antique Italian stools
Antique Swedish Dug Out Chair
Antique Italian long stool – bench, one of a pair
Antique Italian long stool – bench, one of a pair
Antique French Duchesse Brisee